Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dylan: 18 Months! (North Idaho Children's Photography)

It has been quite a while since I have done an actual photo shoot with Dylan. I have been trying to get his 18 month pictures in and finally was able to this last week. This kid is growing so much lately. He is as big as kids almost a year older than him. He has found his new speed and that is a run. It is so cute because it makes his cheeks jiggle. I love it. He is learning every day and it is amazing to watch him figure things out. He is so suborn about it though. He hates it when you try to help him. He as to do everything himself. He is such a good boy. I can take him to town for a whole day by myself and he will not make a peep. I love it. Definitely worth the first six months of nonstop crying. This was my first real session with him since he has gotten so mobile and it was a bit of a challenge, especially as we hit it right before nap time. All in all we got a few good shots and had fun playing in the leaves some.

The found missing shoes. One of the reasons I wanted them back was specifically for this photo op.

This pictures reminds me that he is still so small.

This face cracks me up. He makes it when he gets excited. So glad I was able to capture it.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ten on Tuesday.

1. How do you take your coffee on an average day? How do you like your coffee if you’re splurging?
I don't usually drink coffee, but when I do I like mochas.

2. What is your genre of books to read?
I am an avid reader and like all different types of genre. Thrillers and chick lit are my favorite.

3. Where do you want to retire, if you could go anywhere?
I am not sure I have not really thought about it. I would love to travel, but would have a home base where ever my family happen to be.

4. The 17-year-old you is told to write a 10-minute speech. What topic would you have picked?
I wrote several speeches when I was 17 the topics varied. The ones I remember were saddling a horse, rodeo, and logging.

5. What word describes you best?
Not really sure on this one. Mom is what comes to mind.

6. What is the next “event” that you are looking forward to? (ex.: vacation, moving, date, job change, etc)
My next trip "home" to see my family at the coast.

7. Do you like to discuss controversial topics or do you prefer to avoid those types of conversations?
I would rather not discuss them. People opinions on such topics are usually very strong and they are unwilling to listen to another point of view at all.

8. Would you rather add 4 free hours to each day, or add 1 extra day to the week?I would have to say 1 extra day so I could take more weekend vacations.

9. If you created a sports team; what would your colors and mascot be?
Not into sports at all.

10. If you had to be a teacher, what subject would you teach?
I would definitely be a high school government, history, and geography teacher. I almost went back to school to get my masters to do just that before I met Cory.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ten on Tuesday.

1. Growing up, what was one favorite item that you had to have with you at all times?
The only thing I can think of is a blanket that I had to have for a few years when I was really little.

2. Being an adult, what is one favorite item that you have to have with you at all times, and what happens if you do not have it with you? Do you lose your sanity or just go back home to get it?

Just one thing? I have to always have my camera, something to read, and chapstick. The rare times when I don't have one of those things the other two usually keep me sane and take my mind off of what I am missing.

3. Where is your favorite place to be to just hide away from everything and breathe for a moment?
The shower. Everything always seems a little better when I am closed off in my own little world with the water warming me.

4. What is your favorite thing about your partner? (If you don’t have a partner, then someone who is very close and will always be in your life)
The way he can make me laugh. The things he comes up with sometimes just crack me up.

5. What is your favorite thing about your job? (If you don’t have a job, then what is your favorite thing that you do during your day?)
My favorite thing about my job as a mom is Dylan's laughter, nothing makes me happier than hearing his laugh. When it comes to photography it is capturing such moments. Working at the store my favorite thing is that I am with Cory.

6. What is your favorite lesson that your parents taught you growing up? Looking back, is it something that you want to use to teach your children when they reach that age?
To appreciate what you have and not take life for granted. No matter how little it is, there is someone who always has it worse. It is definitely a value that will be taught to my children.

7. What is your favorite song, that will always bring a smile to your face and make you think of something happy?
Fishing in the Dark by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. It always takes me back to when I was little. My family and several others would camp out not far from home. All our friends would be there. We ride horses and play in the creek together getting dirty. Friends that have passed on and friends I still have today. This is the one song that always gets played at weddings and celebrations to this day.

8. What is your favorite things about being an American? (If you not American, what are you proud of in regards to your country)
The land itself. We have a country that has every possible scenery imaginable. We are all free to explore this beautiful land of ours.

9. What is your favorite meal that reminds you of being a child?
Spaghetti or fried chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy.

10. Name 3 things that other people would say are their favorite thing about you.
I really don't know. If I had to guess I would say my compassion for others maybe and my willingness to just listen to your problems. This is a hard one for me.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The case of the missing shoes.

Growing up everyone always wore these shoes where I lived. I love them they are super comfortable and last forever. My Mom gave Dylan a pair for Christmas. They so cute in such a small size. We sized them perfectly so they fit him when he started walking. They are pretty much the only shoes he wears. Because of this I have not gotten him any more shoes and of course now they are missing. I know he wore them when we went to the fair the weekend before last. Then Tuesday morning I was in a rush and couldn't find them. So a put on his rubber boots, which worked out okay because it had been raining. I have been looking for his shoes ever since and have not been able to find them. It is driving me nuts. This has happened some with sippy cups. Dylan takes them and puts them some place. I search around for them having no luck. A few days later he appears with the missing item. Has not happen with the shoes. So right now the only shoes I have for Dylan to wear is his rubber boots and a pair of crocs. If you happen to see a pair of size 6 kids Georgia Romeos laying around I think they may be Dylan's (kidding, kind of).

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What makes a movie your favorite?

I was flipping through the channels and found one of my all time favorite movies on last night. Return to Snowy River. I have loved this movie since I as a little girl. I think it is the combination of being set in Australia, the time period, the romance of it all and of course the horses that just draws me in. Not to mention the main character is also pretty good looking. I am pretty sure it is what started my fascination with the continent. The scenery in the movie is gorgeous. If I ever get to Australia I have to go to the Snowy Mountains. I have always enjoyed history and especially love the wild west of the mid to late 1800s. If I could be transported back in time this is the period I would choose, even though life was hard and most died young. To have horses be my main mode of transportation would be a dream come true. The relationships draw me in as well not only between the people but the people and horses as well. It is very easy for me to image myself in the movie.

Some people like movies based on how good the acting or directing is or because a certain actor is in a movie. Some because of the story. For me it is the emotion of it for the most part, only when they make me happy though. I hate sad movies. They can be good movies but I will never watch them again if they make me cry. Yes I just admitted to crying at movies.

What movie is your favorite and why?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ten on Tuesday.

1. Where did you go to college?

Oregon State University

2. What did you study?

I studied general agriculture focusing on animal science, agribusiness, and environmental law and policy. I had a minor in political science.

3. Was college really all that it was cracked up to be?

I loved college. I had so many good experiences there and would do it again in a heartbeat if I could.

4. How far were you from home?

I was just about two hours from home.

5. Did you have the same roommate all four years?

No I had several different roommates. The most constant and longest running ones were Becky and Katie.

6. Where did you order food from at 2am?

We always went to Shari's and had either pie or breakfast.

7. Did you date in college or were you tied down?

I had a boyfriend for just under a year.

8. Funniest drunk college moment?

I don't think I had any drunk college moments but one of my roommates who shall remain nameless had a couple I will never forget. One time she was peeing along side the road and fell over in the bushes with her pants down and couldn't get back up. The other on was when we were walking back to our dorm. Another friend and I were helping her walk there and she kept falling down on her knees in mud puddles. Later she told us that she thought she little with her dad and her uncle jumping in the waves at the ocean. LMAO at that for a long time.

9. Did you make it to class on time?

I was usually always 5 to 10 minutes early.

10. What was your favorite class in college?

I don't remember having a favorite. Though I did like Comparative world agriculture because I got to go to China, Argentina and Chile because of it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ten on Tuesday.

1. Favorite way to travel (plane, train, automobile, etc.)
I think cruise ship is my favorite. My favorite part was being able to lay in bed and watch the scenery go by.

2. Where’s your favorite place to travel to that you’ve been to?
That's a hard one, I don't think I could pick.

3. Where’s the place that you want to go but have never been?
There are lots of places I would love to go, but I would have to say my top ones are Australia and an African safari.

4. Do you deal with traffic well?
I don't like it, but I can deal with it pretty well. I used to hate any traffic at all, but I think I have developed more patience as I have gotten older so it does not bother me as much.

5. Ever had an emergency while traveling?
I was in Argentina in December 2001 when the government collapsed. We were a few hours outside the capital where we were suppose to be going the next day, then home a few days after. All transportation was shut down. There was rioting in the streets everywhere, including where we were. It was a little scary. We had to change our schedule, but in the end got to fly out on time.

6. Do you have a passport? What countries have you been to?
I have had a passport since I was 16. I have been to Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, China, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, and Canada.

7. Are you’ve light packer or do you pack everything but the kitchen sink?
I always pack way too much. I just never know what I am going to need or want to wear.

8. Do you take the fastest route or the road less traveled?
Depends on where I am going and why. If I have something I have to be at a certain place and time for I will take the fastest route. When I have time I like to explore and take the road less traveled or at least a different route.

9. Do any activities on the road? (like road games, reading, sleeping, etc. )
If I am not driving I will sleep or read.

10. Use a paper map or GPS?
I print maps from mapquest.

Monday, September 13, 2010

My best friend for the last 21 years.

Not quite what you were expecting huh. This is Spring. I got her when I was eight years old. She was only three and quite scrawny and in need of some TLC. She was also quite ornery and in need of training. For some reason when I saw I her I just had to have her. My Mom on the other hand was not so sure. She was not real fond of appaloosas, the breed of horse which Spring is. But it didn't matter to me. I said pretty please enough and she gave in and let me have her.

That first year she probably bucked me off almost every time I got on her. Over the years she became my best friend. We have been through a lot together her and I. When I had no friends she was there for me. We went to camps and family vacations together. I told her all my secrets and she always there for me. The bond between a girl and her horse is very special and I am lucky enough to have kept that through so many years.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Why Choose Custom Photography?

Custom Photography as something "special"

Custom photography is more of a luxury than your entry level cookie cutter chain experience. Custom photography truly is not for everyone, it requires a level of commitment, investment in time and money, forethought and planning on the part of the subject/client and requires a larger time commitment for the photographer as well.

Clients who enjoy taking a more active role in the creation of their families’ memories have the desire to have portrait art that is truly personalized. These more discerning clients have been known to budget and allot time for a custom photography session. Many clients opt for it to be a once a year special experience, some opt to have custom photography sessions done to record their child's stages in life. Having said this, it is clear that custom photography is not in everyone’s budget, it is something that most families save for to splurge on from time to time to memorialize their children as they really are (not posed and primped in the cookie cutter studio setting).

There is a great deal of time involved in creating high end custom photography sessions for a client. The luxury of great service, better choices and a supberb end product. The result of all this are heirloom quality images. The time invested at the session is only a small portion of time involved in this process.

Custom photography has been likened to purchasing a fine vehicle. To get to point B from A let's face it, even a bus ride would suffice. If you want to luxuriate in a finely appointed vehicle, customizing your own experience by listening to smooth jazz while sitting in a climate controlled setting adjusted purely for your comfort in a body hugging leather interior, perhaps that Lexus you so desire is your cup of tea. Custom photography is much the same cup of tea. It is the Lexus of the photography world. It is where the intangibles make the experience truly wonderful and the images themselves make the investment of money and time truly worthwhile.

Custom photography can be broken down into even more levels. There are on location, studio, mixed studio/on location, specialty location and destination type photographers. The beauty of custom photography is in the choices and in the luxury of thoses options. The customized service level you are sure to experience will be amazing. The knowledge that your final images are the result of someone caring about those moments so much that they take extra time ensuring that the artwork you receive is good enough to stand by with their name on it. That level of quality and commitment is all but lost in the age of "mass produced," "mass marketed," corporate "everyone is a number". Custom photography is based on being unique to you. How great an experience would be, to be able to sit back and allow a photographer to do this highly custom work for images that you will most likely cherish for a lifetime?

Keep in mind more than anything that the Lexus will never appreciate in value the way your portraits will. The portrait art you become invested in from your custom photographer will no doubt increase in value and become more priceless as the years pass.

Written by Marianne Drenthe of Marmalade Photography

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ten on Tuesday.

This was suppose to go up yesterday, but for some reason it didn't get up as it was scheduled to.

I found this site through another one I don't remember which though. I always follow different links in different blogs and often forget where I began. I thought it sounded like fun so I thought I would give it a try and see how it goes.

1. Pretend it’s Monday morning–take us through a day in the life of you.
-I am usually woken up by Dylan between 6 and 6:30. Get him up, change him, get him dressed and settled in his high chair with milk and cheerios.
-Let the dogs out, feed dogs, cats, and horses. Then I vacuum and put Dylan in his play pen.
-Take a shower and get dressed and if I'm really motivated I will workout first.
-Eat breakfast, watch news, check email, facebook, blogs, then get ready to go to the store.
-Usually get to the store about 9 or 9:30. Do bookwork, get mail, go to the bank.
-Come home have lunch. Get Dylan his nap. Do dishes and pick up toys if needed.
-Chase after/play with Dylan, clean up after him, change diapers. Do some computer/photography work.
-Make dinner, feed animals. Eat dinner, watch tv, chase Dylan and clean up after him more.
-Dylan goes to bed around 8 and Cory and I follow about 9 or 9:30.

2. What’s your favorite reality tv show?
I watch a few but don't really have a favorite and for the most part just pass on them. Mostly just watch the Duggers and the Kardashians (a guilty pleasure). I know they are total opposites, but they both have strong family values which I like. I think it is the extremes of these families that draw me, seeing how th

3. What motto do you live by?
"Nobody ever said life was fair." My Mom's favorite saying when I was growing up.

4. If you knew you could try anything and not fail, what dream would you attempt?
I would love to train a world champion all around quarter horse. I would also like to do a Triathlon. If you know me this is probably the last thing you would have ever expected.

5. What was your first job?
Babysitting was my very first, followed very soon by giving riding lessons.

6. What is your current job?
Stay at home mom, bookkeeper, and photographer.

7. What would you call yourself if you could choose your own name (and you cannot pick the one you already have)?
Never really thought of another name for myself. I always wished my name was spelled Aimee instead of Amy though.

8. What musical instruments can you play?
I use to be able to play the piano. Would like to learn again.

9. Is it easier to forgive or forget?
I find it easier to just move on and mostly forget.

10. What is one food you’d never want to taste again?
I guess I would have to say artichokes.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Fall Portrait Special! (Idaho and Oregon Photographer)

I am running a Fall Portrait Special. The session fee is waived with the purchase of a collection ($125 value).

Now is the time to update your family portraits and get a jump start on your holiday planning. Portraits make great gifts and are always appreciated. Now is the time to give custom portrait photography a try. Capture your family as they really are in your favorite location, relaxed and having fun. No stuffy poses and fake cheesy smiles. Experience the difference with Amy Schmid Photography. Great opportunity for Senior Portraits as well.

I am also planning a trip to the coast in late September at this point. So if you live there or along the way you can also take advantage of this offer.

Book your session now. Only available until Oct 15.

See more of Amy's work at or like us on Facebook.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

What Is Custom Photography?

The photographic art you choose to place on your wall is ultimately the result of the vision of the photographer. This vision, coupled with what you wear to your session, the environment, the lighting, even the mood the subjects are in at the time of photographing creates the work that you will want to proudly display on your walls forevermore.

Your first step in the process is more about determining who you are, who your family is and then seeking a photographer that reflects your style. For instance let’s say your family is extremely outdoorsy and loves playing on the beach. You start determining what style you like, browse through photography website portfolios and determine if any of the styles exhibited there would be a good fit with your life and family style. You have already determined that you should probably seek out a beach type photographer (that is if you live near a beach) and then begin narrowing the field down a bit.

Finally after a bit of internet research, you have narrowed it down to two photographers who do what seems like solid work, the sort of outdoor beach look you desire. It is now time to ask yourself: Do you like photographer A’s style over photographer B’s style? Is it because the people in the images of A’s style are having a great time and it seems very caught up in the moment vs. B photographer more posed, looking in the camera images? If this is a case, you probably like LIFESTYLE photography or perhaps even take it a step further and define your desired style as a PHOTOJOURNALISTIC photography style. The photographer you probably should choose is photographer A because their style is very similar to the style you desire.

What custom photography ultimately is all about is choice and experience. Custom photography is about finding someone who will photograph your family, give you devoted 1:1 attention without worry of who is next ‘in line’ or the feeling of a crowded portrait studio.

  • A custom photographer will typically show you a fairly extensive gallery culled to only show the good images that meet the photographers’ creative sensibilities.
  • Often the images are fully edited images-color corrected with blemishes and undereye circles removed.
  • Custom photographers are also known as boutique studios, offering a range of products and unparalleled service. Think Lexus vs. Hyundai, think Nordstrom vs. WalMart.

A custom photography experience should have you, the client and your experience in mind.

Written by Marianne Drenthe of Marmalade Photography.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Jasmine Star and Keeping it Real

If you are a photographer it is pretty much guaranteed that you know of Jasmine Star. She is pretty much a overnight success and is now a rock star in the photography community. In January of 2006 she decided she wanted to be a wedding photographer, having never even picked up a digital camera before. The next year she shot 40 weddings. In thefvg few years since then she has become one of the most sought after wedding photographers in the world, has been named one of the top 10 international wedding photographers, and speaks all over the country on her success and how she got there. Last week she taught an unprecedented five day workshop live over the Internet that included a real wedding. It was an amazing opportunity for any photographer.

I have yet to even finish watching all of the workshop and there are so many things spinning around in my head from it. The biggest thing that Jasmine is a proponent of is blogging and in her words "keeping it real." She says that when she started out she only had her personal life to blog about. Now people often say that they try to keep their blogs professional and I have often gone back and forth on this one. But when she explained that in blogging about her personal life she is either repelling or attracting people. In doing this she ends up working more often with clients that she wants, likes and/or gets along with best. This also lets her clients get to know her. They know what to expect from her and when she is on a shoot with her and things go much more smoothly.

I have talked before on here about writing more about my personal life. I have to some extent done this but not to the level Jasmine talks about. After hearing her talk I really do understand more about getting personal. So after a break last month I am going to get back to blogging more and try keeping it real.

Also stay tuned for a fall portrait special I will be announcing in the next few days.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Jaxson: Five Month Old! (Tillamook, Oregon Children's Photographer)

While in Tillamook for my sister's wedding this last weekend I got to spend some time holding and cuddling with my nephew. I haven't seen him since he was a month old. I just have to say I am in love with him. He so small compared to Dylan at that age, but is still so strong. He looks exactly like my brother did as a baby. I cannot believe how big his brown eyes are. I was able to squeeze in a quick shoot of him Sunday after we finished cleaning up from the reception.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Adkins-Hopkes Wedding (Oregon Wedding Photographer)

Well my younger sister got married this weekend. I think it all went really well. I don't even think that there were any major mishaps. It was a wonderful wedding and a great time was had by all. My friend Nate came from Minnesota to photograph the wedding. It was great to visit with him. It is always nice to have someone to talk photography with and I loved watching him work. He was the perfect photographer for my sister, who was in heaven having her own personal photographer for the day. I thought I would have more time to help shoot but turned out to be pretty busy the whole time. I did end up with some great images though.

Laughter and low light equal a little blur.

I love that I can play around with these. I love this grittiness in the images. I really think they go with the rodeo grounds.

I don't know where she gets it from. She probably should have been a model.

I love how two photographers shooting the same thing can get totally different images. Nate has a great one that is every one's favorite so far that he took at the same time I was taking this one.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wildflowers Galore! (North Idaho Nature Photography)

Last week we took an evening four wheeler ride down to Cottonwood Flats. It is not too far from our house and right now there are wildflowers everywhere down there. I for one am a sucker for flowers. The bugs were out in force though and I got ate alive. I got some images that made it all worthwhile. Now hopefully these big red bites go away before the wedding in a few days. Especially the big ones right in the middle of my forehead that look like giant zits. Anyway now for the flowers.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Photography Tip - Watch what you cut off! (North Idaho Photography)

Last week was super busy for me with Dylan's swimming lessons, my sister and her friend staying the night and my anniversary. This next week will no be much better as we will be heading to the coast for my sister's wedding. So I have a combined photography tip for the two weeks. Last week I talked about zooming in. This week I want you to watch what is getting cut off in the frame when zooming in. The rule of thumb is that it is not pleasing to the eye cutting people off at the joint. Also watch for the middle of the hand or feet. When cropping around the head make sure that it looks intentional really crop in, don't just clip it.

In this image above the hand is cut off and the side of the foot is just clipped. A quick crop will give us the more pleasing image below.

In the image above again his hand is cut off and the top of his head is just clipped. A crop gives us this image below instead.