Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dylan: Nine Months!

Dylan had quite a nine month birthday as it landed on Christmas Day. He had fun opening presents, but like all kids he like the wrapping more than the actual gift. This month in the last few weeks he has started to pull himself up. If you stand him up where he can hang on to something he will stand there forever just smiling away. He doesn't even like to sit down any more. When I try to set him down he keeps his legs stiff and will not sit. He should be getting more teeth popping in any day. He is drooling tons and chewing on everything. He also met a girlfriend in Tillamook. Friends of ours have a seven month old. He tried to kiss her and she hit him. They sat together and talked it was very funny. For this month I did naked baby pictures. Who can resists those?

Time to get caught up.

Time has gotten away with me. The holidays have a way of doing that to a person. I was getting ready to blog Dylan's ninth month and realized that I forgot to do his eighth month. So I will do that one first. During the eighth month he was kind of at a stand still for everything. Well except for crawling as he started crawling a little, but only backwards. Pretty funny actually. Here are his pictures from his eighth month shoot. We finally got some snow then so I got to do his first snow shots too.