This was suppose to go up yesterday, but for some reason it didn't get up as it was scheduled to.
I found this site through another one I don't remember which though. I always follow different links in different blogs and often forget where I began. I thought it sounded like fun so I thought I would give it a try and see how it goes.
1. Pretend it’s Monday morning–take us through a day in the life of you.
-I am usually woken up by Dylan between 6 and 6:30. Get him up, change him, get him dressed and settled in his high chair with milk and cheerios.
-Let the dogs out, feed dogs, cats, and horses. Then I vacuum and put Dylan in his play pen.
-Take a shower and get dressed and if I'm really motivated I will workout first.
-Eat breakfast, watch news, check email, facebook, blogs, then get ready to go to the store.
-Usually get to the store about 9 or 9:30. Do bookwork, get mail, go to the bank.
-Come home have lunch. Get Dylan his nap. Do dishes and pick up toys if needed.
-Chase after/play with Dylan, clean up after him, change diapers. Do some computer/photography work.
-Make dinner, feed animals. Eat dinner, watch tv, chase Dylan and clean up after him more.
-Dylan goes to bed around 8 and Cory and I follow about 9 or 9:30.
2. What’s your favorite reality tv show?
I watch a few but don't really have a favorite and for the most part just pass on them. Mostly just watch the Duggers and the Kardashians (a guilty pleasure). I know they are total opposites, but they both have strong family values which I like. I think it is the extremes of these families that draw me, seeing how th
3. What motto do you live by?
"Nobody ever said life was fair." My Mom's favorite saying when I was growing up.
4. If you knew you could try anything and not fail, what dream would you attempt?
I would love to train a world champion all around quarter horse. I would also like to do a Triathlon. If you know me this is probably the last thing you would have ever expected.
5. What was your first job?
Babysitting was my very first, followed very soon by giving riding lessons.
6. What is your current job?
Stay at home mom, bookkeeper, and photographer.
7. What would you call yourself if you could choose your own name (and you cannot pick the one you already have)?
Never really thought of another name for myself. I always wished my name was spelled Aimee instead of Amy though.
8. What musical instruments can you play?
I use to be able to play the piano. Would like to learn again.
9. Is it easier to forgive or forget?
I find it easier to just move on and mostly forget.
10. What is one food you’d never want to taste again?
I guess I would have to say artichokes.
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