Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Three Year Anniversary.

I am blessed to have found someone to share my life with. At the time I met Cory I was not planning on ever getting married. Then a friend decided we would be a good match and set us up. We instantly hit it off and knew right away we had found what so many people spend a lifetime looking for. Just over a year later I got to marry my best friend. That was three years ago today Cory and I got married. They say the times flies, but it seems like we have been together forever. It is probably because so much has happened in that time. We immediately moved to Idaho, bought a business. Almost a year later bought a house, then another year later I left for 4 and a half months and went to school. Now this year we had Dylan and I am busy starting another business. I guess that is a lot of major milestones to cram into three years. It has been crazy and busy, but also a lot of fun. As they say I can't imagine my life any other way or without Cory or Dylan in it. So here's to another 50 years.

This was at my brother's wedding last year.

This picture was on the Dworshak Reservoir last spring before I left for school. We are alittle more in our element here.

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