Friday, October 30, 2009

Dylan: Seven Months Old!

Another month has gone by and my little boy is seven months old. He is getting very big and heavy. Carrying him a few blocks kills my arms. No more teeth yet, but he is getting way closer to crawling. He gets on his stomach and inches forward. He is such a wiggle worm and never stops moving now, so I am not looking forward to the full crawl. He laughs all the time now and at random things. Apparently me folding laundry is hysterical to him. He just sits there and laughs and laughs, while I fold all his cloths. I guess this is a typical male for you. Laughing at the woman in his life he has conned into taking care of his dirty stuff. His is also eating everything in sight at this point the kid can't get enough food. He is starting to like fruit now. He loves to share my smoothies. This month we took pictures with Cory's first bow from when he little.

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