Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Style of Photography.

Every photographer strives to develop their own unique style of photography. I thought I would post a little about my own style of photography. What I strive for in my photography is relaxed, spontaneous, and natural. I like to capture the moment as it happens. Some of my favorite photos are the moments when people are not posing for me or in between poses. I always have my finger on the shutter because you never know when that magic moment will happen.

This was taken when my husband was not paying attention. He was kissing noses with Dylan when he was a few weeks old. This is one of my favorites of them.

This is my grandma and Dylan the first time she met him. She was sitting in the corner feeding him when he fell asleep. I was watching her with him when this moment happened while everyone else was standing around talking and I got the shot.

You may remember this photo of my sister Rachel and her fiance Steve. My sister loves posing for the camera, so I just kept snapping away in between the posing. I got this shot of them sharing a moment. It was one of the best of I took that day.

I loved this session with Quinn, because I just got to follow him around being Quinn. This was the best relaxed, spontaneous and natural session I have done to date and I loved it.

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