Thursday, April 14, 2011

Behind the Image - Oregon Coast Outdoor Photographer

All photographers at one time or another get asked the story behind a photograph. I know I have. As a photographer I love hearing about how someone else achieved an image. I love how more times than not it is just plain luck. The intention is to go out and photograph one thing and you end up with something else completely different. So I thought I would do some behind the image posts of some of my favorite images.

The image above was taken Christmas eve 2007 at Netarts Bay, Oregon. It is one of my very favorite landscapes that I have captured. Cory and I had been living in Idaho for a year and a half, so whenever we made it back to Tillamook we like to try to go to the beach. Cory had gotten a crap trap that attached to a fishing pole and wanted to try it out. This is something that happens often for us. He loves to fish, but me not so much. So I always go with him and shoot pictures instead. It was raining on and off. So he would cast the trap and I would take pictures and then jump back in the car until the next break. We were sitting facing the rocks there and saw this break in the clouds. I jumped out and set up my tripod and camera real quick and fired off a few shots before I got too wet.

I was pretty excited when I got back home and saw how well it turned out after looking at it on the computer. I am not one to spend a lot of time manipulating an image in post processing. I do believe in making the image as it really appeared, because a camera cannot capture the array of colors that we actually see. But other than bring back some detail in the clouds in the blue sky I have really not done much to this image. Many people think that the vignette was added in post production, but it was what was actually happening in the sky then.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Dylan 2 years old! (Oregon Coast Photographer)

Oh how time can get away from me. My baby boy is now 2 years old, if you can believe it. I actually can. He has always been so big it seems like he has been 2 for a quite a while now. I keep having to remind myself he just turned 2. He is getting to be such a big boy. He loves having stories read to him and helping with chores. He has always handed me dishes and helped with laundry, but now he actually tries to vacuum. I found him the other day with it plugged into the wall. He hasn't learned how to turn it on yet though. He still isn't talking. He is just so stubborn that he will only do it when he is ready. I was so excited for his pictures with green grass and flowers. I got the idea for the daffodils and his boots, when we picked some for Grandma a few weeks ago. His boots are just so cute. Everyone loves them and the daffodils match perfectly. I think they turned out great. Even if Dad and Uncle David made fun of him for the flowers.

Makes my heart melt.

Look mom I found some really big ears!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Amy Schmid Photography is Now Offering Portrait Parties!

So what is a portrait party anyway? Well a portrait party is much like any other home sales product, except you end up with priceless treasures to pass down from generation to generation. What you do is gather 8-12 of your friends together at your home or other suitable location, arrange a schedule so everyone has a 15 minutes photo session, provide some food and drinks and have a fun get together. While you are having a great time with your friends Amy will be capturing some great images.

Choose from a wide variety of themes for your party. Themes are only limited by your imagination:
Newborn Teen Maternity Wine Tasting
Playgroup Seniors Football Preschool
Babies Scouts Soccer Jazz / Dance
Couples Holiday Valentines Hawaiian Luau
Family Ballet Christmas Mothers Day Out
Tea Party Baseball Halloween Pets
Glamour Boudoir Girls Nigh In

There are no high pressure sales and you pay nothing up front. Two weeks after the party everyone’s images will be available online for 7days. During this time they will make their selection. They will have between 7 and 10 images to choose from. They will have access to special portrait party pricing and packages that are only available to those that attend the party. For hosting the party you will get a percentage of the sales in print credits allowing you to get your portraits for free. This is a great chance for everyone to be able to afford professional custom portrait photography in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dylan: 18 Months! (North Idaho Children's Photography)

It has been quite a while since I have done an actual photo shoot with Dylan. I have been trying to get his 18 month pictures in and finally was able to this last week. This kid is growing so much lately. He is as big as kids almost a year older than him. He has found his new speed and that is a run. It is so cute because it makes his cheeks jiggle. I love it. He is learning every day and it is amazing to watch him figure things out. He is so suborn about it though. He hates it when you try to help him. He as to do everything himself. He is such a good boy. I can take him to town for a whole day by myself and he will not make a peep. I love it. Definitely worth the first six months of nonstop crying. This was my first real session with him since he has gotten so mobile and it was a bit of a challenge, especially as we hit it right before nap time. All in all we got a few good shots and had fun playing in the leaves some.

The found missing shoes. One of the reasons I wanted them back was specifically for this photo op.

This pictures reminds me that he is still so small.

This face cracks me up. He makes it when he gets excited. So glad I was able to capture it.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ten on Tuesday.

1. How do you take your coffee on an average day? How do you like your coffee if you’re splurging?
I don't usually drink coffee, but when I do I like mochas.

2. What is your genre of books to read?
I am an avid reader and like all different types of genre. Thrillers and chick lit are my favorite.

3. Where do you want to retire, if you could go anywhere?
I am not sure I have not really thought about it. I would love to travel, but would have a home base where ever my family happen to be.

4. The 17-year-old you is told to write a 10-minute speech. What topic would you have picked?
I wrote several speeches when I was 17 the topics varied. The ones I remember were saddling a horse, rodeo, and logging.

5. What word describes you best?
Not really sure on this one. Mom is what comes to mind.

6. What is the next “event” that you are looking forward to? (ex.: vacation, moving, date, job change, etc)
My next trip "home" to see my family at the coast.

7. Do you like to discuss controversial topics or do you prefer to avoid those types of conversations?
I would rather not discuss them. People opinions on such topics are usually very strong and they are unwilling to listen to another point of view at all.

8. Would you rather add 4 free hours to each day, or add 1 extra day to the week?I would have to say 1 extra day so I could take more weekend vacations.

9. If you created a sports team; what would your colors and mascot be?
Not into sports at all.

10. If you had to be a teacher, what subject would you teach?
I would definitely be a high school government, history, and geography teacher. I almost went back to school to get my masters to do just that before I met Cory.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ten on Tuesday.

1. Growing up, what was one favorite item that you had to have with you at all times?
The only thing I can think of is a blanket that I had to have for a few years when I was really little.

2. Being an adult, what is one favorite item that you have to have with you at all times, and what happens if you do not have it with you? Do you lose your sanity or just go back home to get it?

Just one thing? I have to always have my camera, something to read, and chapstick. The rare times when I don't have one of those things the other two usually keep me sane and take my mind off of what I am missing.

3. Where is your favorite place to be to just hide away from everything and breathe for a moment?
The shower. Everything always seems a little better when I am closed off in my own little world with the water warming me.

4. What is your favorite thing about your partner? (If you don’t have a partner, then someone who is very close and will always be in your life)
The way he can make me laugh. The things he comes up with sometimes just crack me up.

5. What is your favorite thing about your job? (If you don’t have a job, then what is your favorite thing that you do during your day?)
My favorite thing about my job as a mom is Dylan's laughter, nothing makes me happier than hearing his laugh. When it comes to photography it is capturing such moments. Working at the store my favorite thing is that I am with Cory.

6. What is your favorite lesson that your parents taught you growing up? Looking back, is it something that you want to use to teach your children when they reach that age?
To appreciate what you have and not take life for granted. No matter how little it is, there is someone who always has it worse. It is definitely a value that will be taught to my children.

7. What is your favorite song, that will always bring a smile to your face and make you think of something happy?
Fishing in the Dark by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. It always takes me back to when I was little. My family and several others would camp out not far from home. All our friends would be there. We ride horses and play in the creek together getting dirty. Friends that have passed on and friends I still have today. This is the one song that always gets played at weddings and celebrations to this day.

8. What is your favorite things about being an American? (If you not American, what are you proud of in regards to your country)
The land itself. We have a country that has every possible scenery imaginable. We are all free to explore this beautiful land of ours.

9. What is your favorite meal that reminds you of being a child?
Spaghetti or fried chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy.

10. Name 3 things that other people would say are their favorite thing about you.
I really don't know. If I had to guess I would say my compassion for others maybe and my willingness to just listen to your problems. This is a hard one for me.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The case of the missing shoes.

Growing up everyone always wore these shoes where I lived. I love them they are super comfortable and last forever. My Mom gave Dylan a pair for Christmas. They so cute in such a small size. We sized them perfectly so they fit him when he started walking. They are pretty much the only shoes he wears. Because of this I have not gotten him any more shoes and of course now they are missing. I know he wore them when we went to the fair the weekend before last. Then Tuesday morning I was in a rush and couldn't find them. So a put on his rubber boots, which worked out okay because it had been raining. I have been looking for his shoes ever since and have not been able to find them. It is driving me nuts. This has happened some with sippy cups. Dylan takes them and puts them some place. I search around for them having no luck. A few days later he appears with the missing item. Has not happen with the shoes. So right now the only shoes I have for Dylan to wear is his rubber boots and a pair of crocs. If you happen to see a pair of size 6 kids Georgia Romeos laying around I think they may be Dylan's (kidding, kind of).